Terms and Conditions

Order Confirmed

Upon payment confirmation, we will reach out to collect the project briefing.


The briefing is the most crucial part of the project; it's an online form where you'll provide us with all the necessary information for creating your project. Therefore, it should be filled out with the utmost detail.

Lack of information may lead to necessary changes to your identity, which could extend the delivery timeline.



After receiving the briefing, we begin working on the project and send a proposal presentation via email.



We are committed to always meeting the established deadlines. We aim to ensure that we deliver our best work, crafting unique projects with love and dedication. It's essential to emphasize that we do not work on urgent requests. Our goal is to provide exceptional service. Hence, it's important to respect the following timelines:

Project presentation: 10 business days, starting from the completion of the briefing.

Revisions: We allocate an additional 5 business days for any requested revisions.

Finalization: We include 5 business days to ensure that the project's finalization is executed carefully with attention to detail.


You have the right to request up to 5 free revisions, provided they maintain the main concept of the project. In case of total rejection, which might occur if the briefing responses are not aligned with your expectations, kindly provide us with maximum details to create a new proposal. In this scenario, the project timeline will revert to the initial timeframe. If additional revisions are needed, an extra fee of R$20 (brazilian reais) per revision will apply.



We will provide high-resolution files in Vector EPS, PDF, and PNG image formats. It's important to note that this is a digital product; therefore, no physical items will be provided.


Color Accuracy

It's crucial to highlight that we cannot guarantee color accuracy under any circumstances. Colors may vary according to each screen and also in printing, resulting in up to a 10% variation from the original color. This difference might lead to hues appearing lighter or more saturated compared to the computer screen display. This variation is a normal part of the printing process.